Belong to Community

Disciples belong to community.

1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 ESV

But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.

Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage on the weekend, but a Community sharing life together throughout the week. In Scripture, we see that the church flourished and disciples were made as they committed to gathering with smaller groups of people in homes. Sent Communities are gatherings of 5-25 people and are the primary place that we facilitate this life-on-life discipleship.

Join a Community!

  • Jacob, Alyssa, & Ashlin

    Thursdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Sam, Lucy, Avery, & Noah

    Thursdays | 7:00PM | Waterloo

  • Ethan, Kathrine, Kennedy, & John

    Thursdays | 7:00PM | Waterloo

  • Lauren, Kylie, & MaKenna

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls | Women's Group

  • Victor, Lexi, Taylor, & Jesse

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Walker, Jordin, Chelsea, & Sam

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Luke & Jen

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Frank, LeAnn, KC, & Jon

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Gary, David, Shelly, Emily, & Tom

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Jim, Shannon, Dan, & Sheena

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Waverly

  • Sue, Karen, Chad, Dan, & Becky

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Cedar Falls

  • Lynne

    Wednesdays | 6:30PM | Waterloo | Women's Group

  • Daytime Community

    Thursdays | 10AM | Sent Church

Children’s Ministry Available!

*For parents with young children, we offer Sent Kids during our Wednesday Community gatherings from 6:30-8:00pm. You can drop your kids off at 6:15 to get them checked in!