When we planted Sent Church in 2020, we wanted to be a church on mission. We wanted to be a truly sent church that is for the one, for the city, and for the world. We knew that a crucial piece of this would be extravagant generosity. In 2022, we took a bold step in this direction by launching Kingdom Builders.

From kids to adults, Kingdom Builders are people who follow in the footsteps of Jesus who gave all He had to reach the lost. They are people who prayerfully commit to give financially, over-and-above their tithes, to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders. They are people who use what they have to vigorously build the Kingdom of God.

As we look towards 2024, we recognize that we can’t stay where we’ve been. We can’t settle for what Jesus has done in the past. We’re renewing our commitment to bring the message of hope and salvation to the world. We’re laying it all down to give every person in every nation an opportunity to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

We can’t stay here. We give so that all may hear.


  • Jesus commands us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, making disciples of all nations. Sent Church already gives 10% of the church’s general income to enable missionaries and mission organizations to do exactly that. As of January 2024, 22 global missionaries are financially supported by Sent Church as they take the Gospel to distant places around the world.

    Through Kingdom Builders, we are able to go a step further and support key mission projects such as fighting sex-trafficking around the world, church-planting in places where Jesus’ name has never even been mentioned, providing transportation for missionaries, and so much more. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel, and Kingdom Builders is committed to this end.

  • Kingdom Builders is committed to funding the growth of the church locally through expanding our own campus, planting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches domestically, and ministering to the hurting in our own backyard. We do this to help more people come to personally know Jesus and His love.

  • We will risk everything for the next generation because they are the Church today and the Church of the future. Kingdom Builders works to raise up our future Christian leaders and to foster a love for God, the Bible, and the lost. Through Kingdom Builders, we are believing God to raise up world changers who are committed to serve, give, and love more.

2024 GOAL: $275,000

For more information and a break-down of the ministries your giving will support, take a look at the 2024 Project Guide. You'll find detailed information about the ministries we're supporting this year, as well as how much of our goal will go to each.


You are invited to be a part of the life-change that’s taking place in people’s lives globally, locally, and inside the hearts of our future leaders through Kingdom Builders.

How do you make a commitment for Kingdom Builders?

Raising over 275 thousand dollars in 2024 requires a generous sacrifice from all of us. Some giving sacrificially and others giving from their abundance. Here are some ways to step out in generosity.

  • First, make a plan to give. When you have plans and are diligent, it leads to plenty (Proverbs 21:5). God is excited when you have a plan! Whatever the amount is – have the plan in place, work the plan, and be obedient to follow through with the plan. Start there.

  • Next, ask God to give you a vision for what He could do through you with His help. This is beyond what you can do in the natural. This requires you to take a step of faith with your financial giving. Additionally, write that vision down and pray about it! God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Stepping out in faith always pleases God.

  • Lastly, what would be a dream amount that you could give? Hold on to it. This number is only between you and God. Watch as each step of faith you take, God moves you closer to that dream. God can do exceedingly abundantly more than all we can ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).