Your Giving Changes Lives

Why We Give

We want to be a generous church because we serve a God who has been so generous with us.

The Bible teaches us a standard for our giving: the tithe. The word "tithe" literally means tenth or 10%. Tithing, or giving ten percent of your income, isn't merely giving something to God. It's giving back what was his to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from him. The Bible says that tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything. It teaches us to always put God first in our lives.

Ways to Give

Give by check. You can drop it in the offering box on Sunday morning.

Text any amount to 84321!

Beyond the Tithe

"Beyond the tithe" is anything you give beyond 10%. In Malachi 3:10, God says "Go ahead. I dare you. See if you can out-give me." Beyond the tithe is a chance for you to be extravagantly generous. You can give additional gifts to the basic needs of the church by giving to our tithe & offering fund or to our Kingdom Builders program to help fund additional projects. So go ahead, test and experience God's generosity!