Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

John 20:21


We call ourselves Sent Church because we recognize that we are sent . . .

. . . by Jesus.

. . . in the power of the Holy Spirit.

. . . to restore lost sons & daughters to their Father.



We exist to help our friends become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

A fully devoted follower (disciple) . . .
. . . worships Jesus.
. . . belongs to community.
. . . lives on mission.


We’re not just a church, we’re a movement of people sent out by God to love the one, serve our cities, and change the world. In John 20:21, Jesus said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me so I am sending you.” We believe that Jesus has sent us here so that we can see the region transformed by the love and power of God. We believe that as we do this, Jesus will raise up laborers to send into other communities to plant churches and campus ministries.



The gospel is our center. As the Apostle Paul said, “It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16). We will continually proclaim this message to the lost and to ourselves. As we do, many will come to know Jesus and become sons and daughters of God.


While we love the multitudes and want to see everyone come to know Jesus, we remember that Jesus spent most of His time with 12 men. He changed the world through disciples making disciples who made disciples. Like Jesus, we commit ourselves to discipling the few so that we can reach the world.


Mission is why we exist. The day we stop looking outward for the lost ones who Jesus wants to bring home is the day we die as a church. We are committed to always looking for ‘the one’ and laying down our lives for the mission of God. We are committed to making disciples who make disciples who make disciples.


We understand that discipleship happens in the context of believers living real, authentic life together. We need friends who can encourage and challenge us. We want to be a community where everyone can be themselves and where every person is pushed to become the person who God created them to be.


We believe that the Holy Spirit is on the move in our day and He loves to encounter people. We are passionate about experiencing the presence and power of God every time we gather and in our daily lives. We are on a pursuit for God and are contending for revival in our time.


Sent Church is interdenominational in makeup and strategically aligned with the Church Multiplication Network (CMN) and the Assemblies of God (AG).